Tuesday, January 29, 2013

7 Skills on How to Become a Marketing Manager

There are seven skills needed to work as a marketing manager. Several of these skills revolve around communication with people and some of them require your personal knowledge; such as how to navigate a computer. Nonetheless, this is what employers expect of you. Employers expect these skills to correspond to your work ethic as well as your experience. I have done thorough research throughout three different occupations within the field of becoming a Marketing Manager and all of them required these seven skills in order to be hired. Depending upon how many of these seven skills you possess, you may find yourself being in the right industry and find that you have the skills to be a successful marketing manager.

7 skills needed to work as a marketing manager are:

o Strong Interpersonal and Communication Skills

7 Skills on How to Become a Marketing Manager

This skill is needed daily. If you cannot interact with people let alone customers, how are you going to ever persuade someone to purchase your product? It will be extremely difficult. Don't be a stranger, start today by strike up conversations with your friends, mentors, even your professors.

o Must possess the ability to write well
There is a difference between writing well and just plain writing. Writing well enables you to dig deep into your vocabulary and make what your writing interesting for your readers. The ability to understand what is grammatically correct and incorrect will be foreseen through every memorandum or business plan you write.

o Advanced computer skills using the Microsoft Office; Word, Excel, Power-point

These three things are the basic necessary skills one will need in order to operate within an occupation. The inability to type fast and navigate these pages will create an extreme difficultly for you. Computers are becoming a part of human society's everyday lives so if you have not purchased Microsoft Office, buy it now and begin learning how to use it!

o Be outgoing and optimistic

In order to be comfortable within your work environment, one must be able to interact with others cordially and even at times in a joking manner. Work should be productive but also enjoyable. Being optimistic will start you off on the right foot of everyday. Go into work with the attitude that you're going to work hard but also be upbeat and excited for your job; more colleagues will like you and you will have the correct mindset to gain customers!

o Team Oriented

You must be able to work well with others. Meetings with other employees and executives will become part of your daily routine. The way to impress the executives will be to show how diligent and how cooperative you and your team worked. If someone isn't pulling their weight, pull them aside and let me know what they need to be doing.

o Exhibits Problem Solver Qualities

Whether it's finding a solution with a failing product or resolving a disagreement with your boss, you'll need to be able to possess the quality of innovation in order to fix the product's issue or create a new product. Another quality that a problem solver possesses is respect. Showing respect during a misunderstanding will only make you look classy and professional; it can even make you stand out above other employees and how they cope with problems.

o Obtains Presentation and Project Management Skills

Creating power-point presentations and being able to present them properly will impress your employer as well as your colleagues a great deal. There is nothing worse than becoming bored and uncertain of what one is presenting. Make your presentation interesting and make people want to listen to what you're talking about. The ability to manage a project due date is another tool you will need in order to ensure that you and your team are on schedule.

After combining all of these necessary skills to employers that are vital to your success within this career, you will soon become a successful marketing manager. Possessing and perfecting each of these skills throughout your career can only loft you into becoming a better employee and possibly score you a promotion.

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Candice Ellis is currently a senior at Nichols College who is majoring in General Business with concentrations in Management, Marketing, and Communications. She is also pursuing a Sport Management minor and currently plays on the women's ice-hockey team at Nichols. She is currently researching occupations within the marketing field for her Sport Marketing class in order to help her continue her job search upon graduation in May 2010.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Email Marketing - Send the Best Compelling Email

Internet marketing tools are plenty and it's all up to you what do you think is the best one to be employed. If your time and resources would permit, better go through all forms so you can optimize the advertising campaign to the fullest extent possible. You will be able also to discover what works for you and what's not.

Email marketing is one of the internet forms of promotion. It is favored by some businessmen because of it's somewhat personal in tone, persistent in nature and are usually given importance by customers. If the recipients of the emails are only assured to be potential customers, then the strategy can be very effective.

However, you need first to draft a winning email with very compelling and attractive content. The content matters most for it should bear the fundamental message you need to convey to your readers that will drive them to act upon it - give your product a try, contact your firm for more info regarding the products and services offered and the like.

Email Marketing - Send the Best Compelling Email

If you are a neophyte in email advertising and business letter writing, you need to seek for online resources. There are available resources that will teach you how to do email marketing effectively, how to write appealing email content and how to set up an email marketing system as a whole.

Email is one of the online resources for successful email advertising. It provides you with templates and step by step details on how you will go about your email advertising. Trust this resource and you will never go wrong. The readily available templates will make it easier for you to design the mail and to professionally compose its content.

The Email Marketing Elite service is designed to help online businesses out there who find email writing as daunting tasks. Those who do not have enough knowledge on email marketing and have tried doing it are disgusted with the results of rejections. This is because, the method is not that easy as you believe it is. Prior planning is a prerequisite before the endeavor will commence.

Along with your knowledge on how to set up an effective email marketing system is your resources of the software that will aid you in massive sending of emails like email blaster software. You need to cope up with time and that your target customer must be promptly informed on the new products and services you offer before your competitors can. Hence, it's not only a matter of email content but your speed of reaching your target buyer also matters since you want them to buy from you and not from your competitors so don't let your rivals go ahead of you.

On the other hand, granting that you have already composed a high quality email for your email marketing and have already used an email blaster and have been sending mails already, pause for some moment in regular intervals to pave way for an evaluation process. The evaluation must be quickly done to let you discover how the effort works and to diagnose some faults. It will give you an idea of whether you need to revise our email content or to update the mailing lists. As a whole, to be able to find out whether you have set up an effective email marketing system that is uniquely owned only by your company.

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Choose email marketing as your marketing tool. Avail for an online assistance for your email marketing needs only at http://www.EmailMarketingElite.com.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Psychographics of a Fashion Marketing Campaign

We talked last issue about the "oh my god" effect that happens between like-minded people upon recognition of each other, and as promised in a previous article, I'll elaborate.

Profile of Shattered Girlz

I met the designer of a fantastic t-shirt brand the other day that operates under the label "Shattered Girlz." She has a gripping personal story that instantly inspires one to root for her success. She suffered betrayal from men into whom she poured her heart and soul, and who in one case left her for another woman while she was caring for her terminally ill parents. This designer has an avatar, Dolly Tatume, a tattooed cartoon beauty whose life and loves are chronicled through the various t-shirt designs in the line. Dolly has also been involved in some dead-end relationships with men that have caused her a lot of pain, to the point that she refers to the men in her life as "Piggys." There are several female tattooed characters in the line that represent different examples of female empowerment, like a dancer, a corporate lawyer, a college student, even a soldier. Shattered Girlz's tagline at the moment is "Shattered Girlz: I can't be broken!"

The Psychographics of a Fashion Marketing Campaign

Psychographical Analysis of Shattered Girlz

Wikipedia's definition of psychographics is as follows:

Psychographic variables are any attributes relating to personality, values, attitudes, interests, or lifestyles. Some categories of psychographic factors used in market segmentation include Social class, Lifestyle, Behavior, Opinions, and Values. Psychographics can also be seen as an equivalent of the concept of "culture" as used most commonly in national segmentation.

Let's analyze the various aspects of this product line in terms of psychographics. Here's what I come up with:
Social class: young, college-aged urban women, perhaps in a street counterculture Lifestyle: goth and tattoos Behavior: searching for self-expression and empowerment Opinions: a negative attitude toward men in general, however fleeting Values: Women can rise from the ashes

Now, I don't know about you, but whenever someone tells me their story of heartbreak, I'm instantly captivated. However, it would be the wrong move in this case to market this product to all women, even though we can all relate. Instead, we need to find a smaller subsection of all women, in this case young women. But can we drill down any further? I think so, and the next subset would be young women who are into the tattoo lifestyle.

Though I myself don't have one, tattoos are interesting because they provide a deeply personal expression of the wearer's soul that mere words cannot transmit. Many people get a tattoo after the birth of a child, after the loss of a loved one and other such life-changing events. These are people who find expression in the visual arts; in fact, many of today's coolest tattoo artists come to the field with technical and fine art training. There are even shows about tattoo studios, like Inked and Miami Ink and LA Ink.

The Plan

Because of tattoo art's strong graphic element, my suggestion to this designer was to start a comic book. In fact, the plan I built for the beginning stages of her email marketing campaign includes the following: Concentrate on certain keyword themes that resonate with young women who get tattoos: feminine tattoo designs, female ink, lower back tattoos, tramp stamps, broken heart tattoos, girl genius, lost girls, girl's club, just to name a few.

Turn her blog into a subscription-based, free comic book. Create a pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaign based on the keyword themes to promote the comic book. Create a landing page for a subscription to the comic book. Make sure it uses the keyword themes as well. Ensure that the comic book site advertises the Shattered Girlz t-shirt line. Invite comments or questions about each installment of the comic book. This can spark a dialogue with the readers, inspire suggested storylines or characters from them, thereby creating a rudimentary online community (aka: captive marketing niche). This also appeals to the "goth" community, since they can sometimes trend toward the clannish. Create an excuse to email these subscribers regularly via comic book teasers, contests, etc., while also including a sales message in each of these emails.

I am very certain that this sort of targeted activity, which is also very process oriented and methodical, will garner her lots of results. I should point out for the record that this type of list building will take some time, perhaps even as much as three months or more. We're not talking about get-rich-quick schemes here.

But consider what will happen once she does build a list and eventually markets to it successfully. Sooner or later there will be flocks of beautiful tattooed college-aged young women who sport a Dolly Tatume t-shirt and who, upon crossing paths, will instantly exchange knowing, sympathetic looks. They may even engage each other in conversation, talking about the emotional wreck that used to be their lives and how Dolly and the gang really speak to them. They may even talk about the Shattered Girlz items they each have (ohmigodyouhaveadollyshirttoo!), and if we've played our cards right, they'll even recommend certain Shattered Girlz products to each other.

And this is exactly what we want to happen.

I'll keep readers posted on the results of this campaign on my blog. Until next time!

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Are you an independent fashion designer who struggles with the need to promote your brand but who doesn't have the money to pay a full-service marketing agency? Learn how to reach out to the consumer to generate sales and strengthen brand recognition by signing up for The Email Diva's weekly marketing newsletter at [http://emaildiva.net] EmailDiva.net is led by Andrea Merida, a long-time small-business consultant with particular experience in helping scrappy independent fashion designers break out into the fashion world. Sign up for the Email Diva's newsletter TODAY at [http://emaildiva.net]

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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Email Marketing

Everyday, thousands of people discover the Internet and decide to start an online business. When you have a product or service to sell, the Internet can be an incredible venue to offer what you have.

It is a way to advertise your product not only locally, but also to the whole world. Many people understand this and have dreams of becoming a millionaire overnight.

When you have something to sell, and want to advise a lot of people in a short amount of time, most people will choose to send out emails.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is perhaps the most popular form of marketing. You can reach millions of people with the click of a mouse.

It is not as easy as it seems. There are laws in place to prevent Spam email, so that makes it necessary to use a reputable email list company. You can find one by doing a simple Internet search.

When you start your search, you will find millions of links to companies that offer email lists in the area targeted to your product or service. You will also find links to companies that sell software to collect email addresses on your own.

While purchasing email extractors, email verifiers, and software to send bulk emails is not illegal, using the information that you collect is. There are specific laws regarding sending Spam email and the emails that you collect using this software violate every one of them.

You want your business to be reputable, and associated with quality products, not associated as a Spammer. Being labeled a spammer can kill your business even before it starts.

When you use the services of an email marketing company, the email that are sent regarding your business are sent to people who have given their permission to receive such emails.

Email marketing can be a highly profitable way of advertising your business. You are able to create and approve any message that you wish sent. Email marketing companies have the knowledge and experience to create a highly profitable email campaign for you.

It is very important however, that you research the email marketing company very carefully before signing a contract with them.

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Marketing Your Cleaning Business With Flyers

Here's an economical way to advertise to the best neighborhoods in your city. The system outlined here works great for any carpet cleaning, window cleaning, maid service, or pressure washing business.

I get many emails from guys who want to know if passing out flyers will work. They read that I've had success with it and wonder how. Almost everyone has tried passing out flyers at one point. I always hear, "It used to work 10 years ago, but now it just doesn't work any more."

Yes, it may have gotten more difficult. Consumers are getting wiser. A flyer without selling power won't bring you any new clients. Homeowners want to know more than how cheap you are. They are skeptical about bait-and-switch advertising that is prevalent in the cleaning industry. It's up to you to change their mind when you put a flyer on their doorknob.

Marketing Your Cleaning Business With Flyers

First, keep in mind flyers are a cheap way to advertise. This isn't necessarily a good thing. In fact, I usually recommend steering away from cheap ways to advertise because your prospect can view you as cheap. They WILL view you as cheap if all you do is put a piece of paper on their mailbox or a run-of-the-mill door hanger on their door.

You have to do something different. If you're going to use flyers, they have to be something extraordinary. One of the most profitable flyers we've used appears like a folder that sits on a doorknob. Many clients have told me, "I got your nice little information folder." They didn't look at it like some cheap flyer.

Other times, we've put a salesletter, brochure, magnet, and business card in a plastic door hanger bag. In this case, the prospect views it as a package left on the doorknob. If you're going to bother to go out and walk door to door, put something nice on the door. Use full color printing with attention getting pictures. Or, if you use black and white print, make sure it's on a heavy piece of colored paper. You want something that will look good as well as feel good in their hands.

Try using an exclusive offer just for homeowners in a particular neighborhood. Or, use a limited time offer due to a slow week, holiday offer, FREE trial offer, or an offer based around something going on in your city in your flyer. Create a great offer, but also tell how you're unique. Write your flyer with a particular target client in mind.

This is important: When you pass out the flyers, wear your company shirt that identifies who you are. Sometimes people will want to speak with you. NEVER, EVER place a flyer on a mailbox. Stress this to anyone who passes flyers out for you. Then, spot-check the neighborhood to make sure they did it how you asked. It's actually a federal offense to place anything inside or on a mailbox. Plus, it looks unprofessional.

Use flyer advertising as a way to keep your employees busy on a slow afternoon. It can reap a harvest of many clients to come.

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John Braun is a copywriter with Hitman Advertising. John started a carpet cleaning company while majoring in advertising so he could practice his advertising skills. He grew his company to one of the most profitable cleaning firms in his area. Now, he teaches cleaners to STOP wasting money and start getting all the profit possible. John offers copywriting services to cleaning companies. He creates highly profitable salesletters, postcards, newspaper ads, radio commercials, and flyers. He can create one for you.

John also offers a complete advertising package called the SECRETS TO PROFITABLE ADVERTISING. Go to the link below for more details.

"Get Your FREE Copy of John's Advertising Planning System That Makes Him ,247 For Every 0 Spent On Ads." To Get Your Copy FREE -- visit www.MarketingCarpetCleaning.com

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Friday, January 4, 2013

Email Marketing - 10 Best Email Subject Lines

Customers ask for advice on how to write killer email subjects. We review their campaigns, provide feedback and 'best practices' to get them pointed in the right direction.

But 'guidelines' - whether for email subjects or any other topic - are meant to be a first step to point you in the right direction. Never underestimate the importance of measuring your campaigns in order to fine tune results. Split testing with a few variations can easily help you double the final response rates. In this entry, we look at empirical data from email campaigns to see how the top strategies match up against actual results and discovered some interesting data points. In all we reviewed hundreds of campaigns and tens of millions of emails to see how customer campaigns measure up. In general, the advice and guidelines are spot on, but we also found that for every rule, consistently there's an exception.

Our recommendations?

Email Marketing - 10 Best Email Subject Lines

Start out with tried and true best practices to come up with a handful of email variations. Then use split testing to determine which variation will yield the best results for your specific audience and offer.

With that - here are the email subjects associated with the best and worst email open rates. We've taken the liberty to critique the 'worst performing' ones, and added some analysis at the end of each post. Note that click-through and closure rates would be better measures - but are more difficult to analyze objectively.

Email Subjects with Best Open Rates

"Company" Sales & Marketing Monthly Newsletter
"Company" Newsletter - January 2009: "Teaser Subject/Topic"
[Webinar]: N Tips to Improve Email Responses
"Company" Webinar: Case Studies - Join Us Feb 15
"Webinar Topic" - Webinar Slides Available
This Week's Phone Call / Meeting (Personalized note from sales rep to prospects)
"First Name" - 8 Customer Service Tips that Work
Exciting Update from "Company" - IBM Approved Supplier
Reminder: Storage Survey - Your Input
Invitation - Breakfast on "Topic"

* Notes:

"Company" or "Topic" means use the company name or topic- without the quotes. In the example with [Webinar] - we actually used the '[' and ']' characters.

The Ideal Email Subject Line Length

Here's an important tip - the length of your email campaign subject (in characters, including spaces and punctuation) should be between 40 and 50 characters. In summary - shorter is better. (although being too short - fewer than 30 characters for example, makes it extremely difficult to create a meaningful, targeted subject line.)

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Download On-Demand Webinars, Case Studies, Whitepapers and other Email Marketing resources, including "33 Tips to Improve HTML Email Responses" from Pinpointe's Email Marketing Resource Center.

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Visit Pinpointe.com - A leading Email Marketing Vendor for business communications.

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